Kurt Eshelman » Math Teacher High School

Math Teacher High School

Kurt is the 9-12 Mathematics instructor for NOVA and will be part time this year. He has taught mathematics for over twenty years during that time has served as a 6-12 mathematics teacher., and as mathematics department head, and developed an advanced mathematics program . His first teaching experience was in a middle school and he has spent most of his time teaching at the high school level. He is currently an off campus adjunct for BSU and NNU. Kurt obtained his BA in Mathematics from Northwest Nazarene University and has focused graduate courses on mathematics and physics. He has been teaching at Victory Charter School for the last 15 years.


Fun facts:

  • I am an Idaho native, born in a farmhouse in Ada County
  • I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have 2 adult daughters
  • I once met John Gotti
  • I am a private pilot
  • I like the outdoors and enjoy fly fishing when I get the chance
  • Chasing a golf ball has become my newest pastime
  • I have been the builder for our last three homes.


Life mottos to live by:

“ Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.”

“Give, and it will be given unto you.”